Sunday, June 14, 2009

Million Dollar Home has a Garage Sale

Last week I went to an "estate sale" across the way where they are building the homes that start at $1,000,000 (but that was before the economy tanked). I read online that they had moved from a 10,000 square foot house into a 5,000 sq ft home and had to get rid of the surplus. I got a new backpack designed for lap tops. It's Eddie Bauer - I paid $15 feeling like it was okay to splurge and that a good one at retail would be much more. I also got a pretty table runner, some fancy chop sticks, and a really cool bronze lion statue/candle holder. It's fairly substantial. We still need to find just the right place for it. (Notice how I didn't reveal what I paid? For the record: $30. But isn't that why I was carrying around that hundred dollar bill for weeks?) Sometimes you just have to be willing to pay a little more, is how I justify it to myself.

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