Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday, June 19th Part I - A Quarter Goes a Long Way

Garage sales off of Glade are usually good ones. Today there were about four within two blocks. At my first stop I was told, "Everything's a quarter." Someone else got to the CDs just before me, but I don't think there was anything too good. I stuck to my new guideline - only buy it if I want it. So, I didn't buy any. What I did get was an old hardback called Garden Flowers that might look nice on the shelf and an old rotary dial telephone that I thought David might like. The 1930s book has a dust jacket and I saw a couple listed online for $3 to $15. For now, it will go on the shelf. As for the telephone, it was in pretty rough condition, we cleaned it up and took this cool picture of it. The handset says it is property of Bell System property - Not for Sale - Western Electric. We think it's from the early '70s based on a sticker we found on the bottom. The feel and sound of dialing it is a nostalgic experience.

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