Saturday, November 20, 2010

Weekend Before Thanksgiving

We found some great prices on cds (.50 each) and DVDs (.25 each) at two separate sales. At least four of them were duds as far as resale value, but we'll enjoy them and sell them one day in our own garage sale. The rest are now listed and if they all sell we'll net over $55.00. Pretty good return for a $5.75 investment.

I also bought a small corning ware dish with a lid ($1) - I don't know why I can't pass them up. I use them occasionally, but probably need to stop buying them.

Also got 2 new rhinestone hair clips for $1 each. I might keep one and give the other one away.

Total purchases: $8.75. Possible profit: $52.00.

I'm going to try to get some items listed on eBay this weekend. Tis the season!

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