Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 23rd - A Grrrreat day!

Had a migraine and started a little later than usual - after 8am. Almost left without my husband, but he jumped out of bed and said he wanted to come. We went to the neighborhood sale across the way. Big neighborhood, but not many garage sales. At our first stop we found a Monkees Greatest Hits CD. David presented his dollar assuming the price was $1 and was told to hold on while change was made. The 50 cent CD was enjoyable and turns out it's now listed on Amazon for $7.85.

Second stop: I dug through a box of CDs, not much there, but I pulled out a few for David's approval. He was taken with a large framed painting. They were asking $30, which seemed a little high. We discussed where it might go and decided to offer $30 for it and the 10 CDs we had found. We dusted the picture and it's now hanging on the wall of the staircase. It matches well and fits the space nicely. (After a little bit of research it turns out that one of the CDs we got in that deal is listed for $59 on Amazon and not available on Half. We don't have the case, so I listed it for $22.)

Third stop: Got a pretty "stained glass" frame with grapes for $3 (it's new and sells on Ebay for $19) and a pretty stained glass night light for Evelyn, also for $3. Also picked up an accessory for a candle as a potential gift for a co-worker for a 1$ - I'll still need to get a candle to hang it on (so don't think I'm totally cheap) .

As we were walking back to the car we noticed a smaller garage sale across the street and were both drawn to the cement basket urns. When we asked how much, the husband said $2.oo - - - What a steal! David also got a gas leaf blower that was almost new for a couple of dollars. Then, the seller walked out with two nice video game rockers, which I really don't like but I knew they were nice, for $10 each - sold! (They're almost new and have surround sound speakers built in - they retail for over $100 each. I'm now a big fan of the surround sound and would not be opposed to a home theater set up...) Stand up steamer for $2.00 - sold! Then the seller came out with a really substantial gas powered edger, nearly new for $10 - sold! We couldn't get it all in the car and had to make two trips. It's been a while since we bought so much we filled the car. (The last time we filled the car was at the garage sale where everything was free.)

Later, as we drove to the movie theater to see the new Star Trek movie we drove my route to see if we could find any other garage sales. We found one on the other side of the traffic circle in a nice neighborhood. Lots of stuff and kind of pricey. I didn't find anything, but David did. It was a resin bathroom set with toothbrush holder, soap dish and soap dispenser (I just realized a soap dish and dispenser is redundant). It was listed for $10 and David said, "Since my wife isn't interested in this would you take $5.00?" The woman said, "When does that ever happen that the husband wants to buy something? I'll tell you what - you can have it." Free is always good and we felt like our movie tickets had been paid for.

A great day for a Memorial Day weekend. Next weekend should have many more and I'm counting the days. Just added up what we spent (79.50) and what we may make in resale ($42.57) so that makes it about $37.00 spent and we really got some great merchandise.

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