Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday 5/29

Picked up some nice DVDs and for the first time, books on CDs. Got Desperate Housewives seasons 1 and 2 for $3 each and now have them listed for $10+ each. Also picked up a skirt and a rock candle. Hope to come out even with a DVD sale, if not a little ahead. Tomorrow I'll hit some more garage sales before flying to California. Maybe I'll hit a couple on Sunday morning. The last time I did that I only found one kid's book that they asked 25 cents for, when David and I searched our pockets and were going to look in the car for change, the woman said, "Merry Christmas, it's yours." I liked the primer because of the 1960s mid century art. I ended up selling it pretty quickly on Amazon for $20.00!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

$400 Accent Table

Last summer this $10 find was hidden from view with fabric piled on top of it. David found it and the seller told us it was a $400 table. That didn't seem possible, but when I looked up the brand on the internet I found one just like it for more. David polished it and now it's in the study and makes a great accent piece.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 23rd - A Grrrreat day!

Had a migraine and started a little later than usual - after 8am. Almost left without my husband, but he jumped out of bed and said he wanted to come. We went to the neighborhood sale across the way. Big neighborhood, but not many garage sales. At our first stop we found a Monkees Greatest Hits CD. David presented his dollar assuming the price was $1 and was told to hold on while change was made. The 50 cent CD was enjoyable and turns out it's now listed on Amazon for $7.85.

Second stop: I dug through a box of CDs, not much there, but I pulled out a few for David's approval. He was taken with a large framed painting. They were asking $30, which seemed a little high. We discussed where it might go and decided to offer $30 for it and the 10 CDs we had found. We dusted the picture and it's now hanging on the wall of the staircase. It matches well and fits the space nicely. (After a little bit of research it turns out that one of the CDs we got in that deal is listed for $59 on Amazon and not available on Half. We don't have the case, so I listed it for $22.)

Third stop: Got a pretty "stained glass" frame with grapes for $3 (it's new and sells on Ebay for $19) and a pretty stained glass night light for Evelyn, also for $3. Also picked up an accessory for a candle as a potential gift for a co-worker for a 1$ - I'll still need to get a candle to hang it on (so don't think I'm totally cheap) .

As we were walking back to the car we noticed a smaller garage sale across the street and were both drawn to the cement basket urns. When we asked how much, the husband said $2.oo - - - What a steal! David also got a gas leaf blower that was almost new for a couple of dollars. Then, the seller walked out with two nice video game rockers, which I really don't like but I knew they were nice, for $10 each - sold! (They're almost new and have surround sound speakers built in - they retail for over $100 each. I'm now a big fan of the surround sound and would not be opposed to a home theater set up...) Stand up steamer for $2.00 - sold! Then the seller came out with a really substantial gas powered edger, nearly new for $10 - sold! We couldn't get it all in the car and had to make two trips. It's been a while since we bought so much we filled the car. (The last time we filled the car was at the garage sale where everything was free.)

Later, as we drove to the movie theater to see the new Star Trek movie we drove my route to see if we could find any other garage sales. We found one on the other side of the traffic circle in a nice neighborhood. Lots of stuff and kind of pricey. I didn't find anything, but David did. It was a resin bathroom set with toothbrush holder, soap dish and soap dispenser (I just realized a soap dish and dispenser is redundant). It was listed for $10 and David said, "Since my wife isn't interested in this would you take $5.00?" The woman said, "When does that ever happen that the husband wants to buy something? I'll tell you what - you can have it." Free is always good and we felt like our movie tickets had been paid for.

A great day for a Memorial Day weekend. Next weekend should have many more and I'm counting the days. Just added up what we spent (79.50) and what we may make in resale ($42.57) so that makes it about $37.00 spent and we really got some great merchandise.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I love my Campus Green Schwinn Breeze ($15)

I did a lot of research on this find. It's a 1973 3-speed Schwinn Breeze. Ladies bikes don't go for as much, but this one can sometimes sell for as much as $200 on Ebay. It's in very good to mint condition.

We got it for $15.00 and when we couldn't get it in the car, I ended up riding it about a mile+ home. The seller was kind enough to adjust the seat for me and pump up the (original) tires. I washed it and polished the chrome and replaced the tires and brake pads.

Everyone wins - I gave my husband my 1993 mint condition men's mountain bike and now we can ride together.

$1 Bargain goes for $17 on Ebay

I really thought I'd get more, but I'm not complaining. This is a nice piece of kitchen equipment - I already have one, so I washed this one and listed it.

Pampered Chef - good resale!

I picked this up for $3.00 and an octagonal mirror in a gold frame for $5.00. The timer was still in its box with the battery - it had never been used. I listed it on Ebay and got $17.00! That's more than what they sell for through Pampered Chef. Shipping was easy because it was small.

Lot of Copper for $5.00 / Sold on Ebay for $51!

These don't really go with my decor. They were all pretty nice and a super deal. The scoops were still in their original box. I ended up listing it as a lot on Ebay and was surprised at the winning bid.

First Real-Time Post!

Friday, May 22nd - I always go into work late on Fridays because I have to check out the local garage sales. I have the perfect route - I go through my neighborhood to see if anything is going on and then down the main street to Starbucks. I get my usual (from my Costco Starbucks gift card) and head down Glade against traffic. Today there wasn't much. It's like it's winter again. (I forgot this was a holiday weekend, Memorial Day.)

I drove to the end of Glade and stopped by the post office to mail some CDs that sold online. I had picked up one of them for a dollar at a garage sale a while back and was able to list it for $58! I really never thought it would sell. It's not worth what you list it for until it sells. This funds my garage sale compulsion for a couple of months.

I did find a couple of sales. At the first one I picked up a box of plastic hangers with clips for $2.00. I think I can take what I want/need and sell the remaining ones for about that much. I also got a very large clay vase for $3.00. I noticed a price tag on it later for $58. It has a chip in the base, but I'll turn it the other way. Right now it's on the back patio.

$5 spent, I'm on my way to the freeway to go to work. I find another sale and pick up two kid's DVDs (they seem to resale well) and 1 Hawaiian Christmas CD. The odd CDs seem to sell well on Half and Amazon. The seller wants $10. When I said I'd only get the CD he offered it all for $5. That seemed more reasonable.

At last! Satisfaction - I found DVDs and CDs. Now I can go to work before I'm late for my meeting. I haven't told anyone at work what I do on Fridays and Saturdays, other than expressing you can get good deals. I was complimented on my necklace today, "I really like your necklace, where did you get it?" I wanted to say I got it for $1 at a garage sale, but instead said it was a gift. The necklace is two flat silver mishapened circles hanging from two thin leather strands. It's hip - but I wonder if it's dated; apparently not.

Turns out the two DVDs arent' worth much on line so we'll have to try to recoup the cost at our own garage sale in three weeks (Care Bears and Shark Tale, full screen; wide screen is worth more). The CD did better and I have it listed for $12, but may price it more aggressively to move it out.

Tomorrow is the neighborhood sale across the way that got called off last weekend because of rain. I don't like neighborhood sales - they're crowded, sellers don't always have much. I've had better success elsewhere, but I can't stand the possibility of missing out, so we'll be there at 8am.